I love this new linky idea! It’s all about what your students are diggin’ in your classroom (e.g. what do they like, what are they into, what’s hip with these crazy cats….you get the picture right?). Check out Mrs. Bainbridge’s Class for more info on how to link up!
So, what do I have that my students love?!
They go crazy for this clip chart in my room made by 3rd Grade a Hoot:
I think they love it so much because of the jewels they get when they get to “Outstanding”. When they get 5 jewels I move them to the Clip Hall of Fame. I got this one as a freebie from First Grade Glitter and Giggles
AND here is the reason they love it so much! Once they get to the clip hall of fame I let them choose a prize from my bin! And at the end of year, we had a little celebration to recognize all of the people who made it to the Clip Hall of Fame (everyone made it at least once!).
Another hit in my room are my Easy Buttons from Staples
They are only about $6.00 (I got mine for free during several teacher appreciation sales). I use them for review games. For example, during our 3D geometry unit I divided the class into 2 teams. I chose one person from each team at a time to come up and answer a question about the properties of 3D Solids. Whoever hit the easy button first got to attempt to answer the question first. If they got it wrong then the other student got a chance to steal. They beg me to play this game for every unit we do. So head out to Staples and pick some up, you won’t be sorry!
My guys are also really diggin’ anything related to Lego Star Wars. So I used my scholastic money and bought several books for them. By the end of the year they were used so much that I have to order more because they are falling apart!
Another favourite in my class this past year was the old keyboards I put out for Daily 5 Word Work. They love to pretend to send emails to each other but they also made up many of their own typing games which I thought was creative and a good use of time/imagination. I got the keyboards from a storage closet in our computer lab. They were just sitting there not being used so I asked if I could use them.
One last thing that my students are diggin’…The Desk Fairy! After her first visit to check in on how tidy they were they were constantly asking me when she was coming back and if she was real. It was adorable and such a great way to help keep desks clean! If you click on the image it will take you to my store where you can get the notes. This pack also comes with a graph so you can track who got a note (and who didn’t) and there is also an award page to give out to the tidiest kids at the end of the year.
What is your class diggin’ in your room? Link up at Mrs. Bainbridge’s Class!
I’m going to end with a link to my math bundle! I’ve been so busy creating these past few weeks. I’m going to use this bundle for morning work as my students all come in and get settled while the stragglers take their time. The bundle includes 4 booklets: Elapsed Time, Money, One Digit Addition and Subtraction, and Two Digit Addition and Subtraction.
I’m off to read what everyone else’s kids are diggin’!
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Thanks for sharing all of these goodies that your kids dig!
Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers
Hello! Thanks for sharing your ideas! I found your blog through Christina Bainbridge's LINKY…you have an ADORABLE blog! I, too, teach 2nd grade and am your newest follower through Bloglovin' and GFC!
Angie Olson
Thanks for linking up! Even my 3rd graders love lego books too!
*Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*
Okay, I feel like someone famous just visited my blog! 😀 I was so excited to see your name here!