I came in from a swim in our kiddie pool luxurious backyard oasis and found that I had been nominated for a Liebster Award!! A Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Liebster is German for beloved or favourite.
Erin from Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom nominated me and she made my day! Oddly enough I had just read a blog post this morning from the person who nominated her and I thought how fantastic it was that she was nominated because I love her blog. Check it out here:
I began blogging right around the same time as Erin (March 2013). I had never imagined myself as a blogger even though I would spend hours combing through pinterest and reading other blogs. When I began creating teaching resources for Teachers Pay Teachers I decided to give blogging a shot too. I love sharing ideas with fellow teachers so this seemed like a perfect fit for me.
To accept the nomination I must:
- Link back to the blog that nominated me
- Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
- Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator
- Share 11 random facts about myself
- Create 11 questions for my nominees
- Contact my nominees and let them know I nominated them!
Chris from Owl About Us
Kristin from Bonjour Grade 1
Carla from Comprehension Connection
Tiny Toes
- What is one thing you are most proud of in your career: This is a hard one to answer but I would say I am proud of being a teacher in general! We have a noble profession and we all make a difference in the lives of children every day. One thing that stands out to me was an email I got from a parent of a child I taught 2 years ago. He was being bullied by his classmates and I was able to put an end to it. His dad emailed me a year later after another student committed suicide. He thanked me for standing up for his son because at the time they were worried about something similar happening to him. I was happy to be able to help him in any way!
- What is a favorite thing to do outside of the classroom? Definitely spending time with my family doing just about anything! Reading and lifting weights are tied for second.
- Where is your favorite place to travel, or where would you most like to go? I haven’t done a lot of travelling in my life but I would like to go to Germany and also Spain.
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would love to be more confident.
- What book or resource do you rely on most in your classroom? Ohhhh so many to choose from…Debbie Miller’s Reading with Meaning is one I use a lot, just about anything from Fountas and Pinnel and Marvelous Mini Lessons for Writing.
- What is one thing that would surprise your readers to know about you? WOW that is a hard one…I’m not sure there is much that is surprising about me….well I did funnel a beer the other night at a girls night out!! I guess that might be surprising…or maybe not!
- What is one thing you remember most clearly about your own days as a student? I remember that I loved school and I loved my teachers.
- What is the best concert you’ve ever attended, or which band or artist would you most like to see live? Hands down, Green Day! They are amazing live.
- What is one word you would use to describe yourself? Patient
- What is your favorite dessert? Anything with chocolate
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’m a mix of both…an extroinovert?
Congrats on your nomination! 🙂
A Sunny Day in First Grade
LOVE your answers! Especially the one thing that would surprise us… That's awesome! 🙂
Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
I felt like a teenager again, it was great….but the reality of the next morning reminded me why it's good to not be a teenager again lol.
These are great answers. I love anything chocolate too & i wish I could be more confident too. Congrats on your nominations.
How awesome is that award! Congratulations! Loved reading your answers! 🙂
Mrs. Johnson's Little Prowlers
You were actually nominated twice – I wasn't quick enough 🙂 You can check out my blog post anyway, though 🙂 I enjoy reading your blog! ~ Lisa
Oh wow! Thank you so much! I'm beaming!
Congrats to you! I enjoyed reading your answers.Your blog is super cute! I'm your newest follower.
The Teaching Twosome