If you haven’t figured out from other posts, I am a Christmas fanatic! I love everything about Christmas and the holiday season. I know there are some Grinches out there but for the most part everyone seems more cheerful, giving and happy around this time. This year all of my students celebrate Christmas so I can make a bigger deal out of it than usual.
We’re working on my, “How to Decorate a Christmas Tree” procedural writing craftivity and my students completed it with their big buddies. Both big and little buddies enjoyed this activity. My students are first and second graders and their buddies are in sixth grade. I was surprised at how much the sixth graders liked doing the craft.
First, I had the students complete a graphic organizer to get their ideas on paper in rough copy.
Then, I had them check it over for spelling mistakes and add any revisions they needed.
Next, they published it on their good copy paper:
After that, they had to follow their own instructions to color, cut out and decorate their trees:
Finally, they shared their writing with the class:
Did you like how I threw in a little procedural there for you??
There is also a coloring page included as an extra or for students with fine motor difficulty who might have trouble cutting out the decorations, they can simply color the pre-decorated tree.
You can pick this product up in my store by clicking here or on any of the images above or below.
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This is a great way to get students thinking about explaining their thinking! I think it could transfer over to other areas like Math where I am always trying to get my students to explain their thinking.
Thanks for sharing!
The Perks of Teaching Primary
It absolutely can transfer to other areas!
Thanks for stopping by!