Quickly Pick Student Partners or Random Students with THIS App:
I found it! The best group generator app for the classroom!
Yes I am very excited about this. I used to use ClassDojo which has a team generator app but I stopped using Dojo and I wasn’t a fan of the setup for group generating. Before apps and fancy gadgets I used to use popsicle sticks in a tin can to generate my groups and to pick random students but this always took more time than I cared for. This is SO much better!
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This App Saves Me So Much Time!
I happened to come across this app called Team Shake and fell in love with it (and so did my students). It is so simple and quick to use. You simply select the group size you want, shake your phone and VOILA! Your groups are picked! Watch the video clip below to see how easy and quick it is to pick your student groups.
There are even some more advanced options in the Team Shake app. You can mark students absent so it won’t include them in the random selections. You can mark the student’s gender so you have an even mix of both genders on your teams. Another option is to mark the ability level of the students to balance out the teams. I find this particularly useful in gym class when there are some students who are more athletic than others. It helps to spread those students out evenly so one team isn’t dominating every game.
My students LOVE getting to be the shaker!
You can find this app in the Google Play store as well!
Check out the full tutorial for this app below:
Did you use popsicle sticks like I used to? Or did you have another way to create partners and groups? Share in the comments below: