I see this questions ALL of the time in my Facebook group: “Which book series should I buy for my classroom library?”
There are tons of lists online that you can find but you never know if actual children like those books or if they just happen to be selling well at the time. I also find that from year to year some book sets are read less often depending on the group of students I have. So I took a combination of the most loved book series in my classroom as well as series that other teachers have recommended and compiled the list for you here:
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I am always on the hunt for engaging sets of books for my classroom. I tend to buy books that come in series because I find that once a student loves a book they want to read more and of course I want to encourage that love of reading. If you are looking for individual books that are great read alouds you can check out my book list on amazon here.
You can click on any of the images or titles and it will take you to the series.
The first book series I want to recommend is a personal favorite, my students LOVE this series and my own daughter has read the entire series a few times (and there are many books in this series!).
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