The last week of school is always such a fun and memorable time for kids. This year looks a little different with the last week of school in distance learning. So many students around the world are still taking part in distance learning so they are missing out on the Field Days, class parties, and more. You can still make the end of the year special for your students even while incorporating distance learning end of the year activities.

I started compiling a list of things I want to do with my students during our last week of school and I thought you might like some ideas too!
Digital End of the Year Activities for Distance Learning:
-Class Party! Have students pick their favorite snack and drink from home and eat/drink while we play digital games.
– My students LOVE playing Kahoots during our Google Meets. I have used the premade ones or made ones specific to our school and classroom. We are doing one of these in the last week.
-Digital breakout! If you do a Google Search for Last Day of School digital breakout you will find several options for free OR you can make your own that is customized for your students. I’m going to use the latter option.
-Movie trivia!
-Virtual Field Trip! Take them on a virtual field trip to a theme park. This is often a year end trip for older students and I’m sure they feel that they are missing out. Disney World is one place that you can visit through Google Maps. You could add links to some google maps street views of Disney and also do some VR rides (you can find a bunch on Youtube).
-Create a digital memory book. You could make your own template for your students, have them design their own or you can use a premade one. I have one that is geared more for upper and middle grades (4-8) and one for lower elementary/primary (1-3).
Upper/Middle Grades:
Lower Elementary:
-Have them share their summer plans with you.
-Play Scattergories
-Play a Jeopardy game, you can play several games for free on this site. You can also use to create a Jeopardy style game that you can customize for your own class/school.
-Do a scavenger hunt! I found this one for free that you can make a copy of or just play from this copy.
-Play I Spy
-20 Questions: Pick something that students have learned about during the year and give them 20 questions to ask to see if they can figure out what you are thinking of.
We are doing a Google Meet each day of the week for the last week so I plan to do a couple activities each day. If you have other ideas, let me know in the comments and I will add them to my list!
If you’re in need of other distance learning resources you can check these out here.
A kindergarten teacher friend did a Pizza and PJs party on Google Meet. All of them wore their PJs, ate pizza (restaurant, frozen, pizza rolls, etc.) and hung out. Then the teacher virtually gave out their awards for the year. I think it went from 6-7pm or 7-8pm. It was SO cute!