Digital back to school activities may be a necessity for those who are doing distance learning or a hybrid model. My school will be going back with a hybrid model which is why I created these fun digital back to school activities.

Digital Back to School Activities for Upper and Middle Grades:
It can be tricky to build community in the classroom when in distance learning. Distance learning will never be the same as in class learning. Using digital back to school activities, you can still build classroom community even at a distance. I created these digital activities to be used with Google Slides and with upper and middle grade students in mind.

You can check out the video preview to see what all is included in this file. Some activities include two truths and a lie, taking pictures and using hashtags to represent the pictures in words, “My Insta Summer story” where they describe their summer in photographs, taking selfies, creating a meme, and more. I made one page that includes a “discover” section sort of like they have on the popular Tik Tok app. I thought incorporating a social media feeling to this resource would be engaging for students.
How to Share Digital Activities:
The beauty of digital back to school activities is that they can be shared in Google Classroom. You can also share them with students by adding their Gmail account to the share settings. If you want students to share with each other, you can make a file for them to post their links. Another option would be to create a Google Site and then post the slides there but be aware that this would make them more public than if they were just shared in Google Classroom.
I’m not planning to assign all of the digital back to school activities at once. Instead I will copy the slides that I want to assign and then create a new slide and paste these in. With any digital slides activity, you just have to make sure to change the page setup settings so that the slides you are pasting have the same page dimensions.
Looking for more Digital Resources to use with Google Classroom?
I have created over one hundred digital classroom resources for use with G-Suite (Google Forms, Slides, etc.). You can find my most popular resources on this blog post here.
[…] plan to use this as a physically distanced ice breaker along with my other digital back to school activities. I will have students stand up for one option and stay seated for the other option. That being […]